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1. How can I support my child at Riverside?

Take an interest in learning and ask what your child is learning. You can support your child with homework and topic work. Try to get involved in the life of the school by helping out in school, help at an extra curricular club or come along to our RAPP meetings and events.  You can also attend our yearly 'Sharing the Learning Events'.

2. How do I raise an issue or problem concerning my child?
Contact class teacher to make an appointment – this is usually sufficient to solve any concerns.

3. If my child has an appointment for the doctor/dentist who do I inform?
Letter and/or appointment card should be sent to class teacher who will pass this information on to relevant people. Children must be collected from the main office on day of appointment.

4. What size of school bag does my child need?
School bags should be large enough to hold A4 pockets and folders comfortably.

5. How do I join the parent council or get involved in helping out in school?
Every parent/carer is automatically a member of the Parent Council (Riverside Active Parent Partnership "RAPP").  RAPP hold an AGM at the start of each session. Come along to this to become involved in school life and give your views on how we can improve our school.  Letters will come out asking for help in school and at extra curricular clubs – send back your reply if you can help and a member of staff will get back in touch with you.

6. Do children need to have money in school?
Our preferred method of payment for school meals and school trips is ParentPay which allows you to make payments on your child's account for school meals and trips. If you do not wish to use ParentPay, payment for school meals and trips  can be sent by cash or cheque to the class teacher if you so choose.  Throughout the year we have a collection during our church service and occasionally we may have a fun day in school e.g. Comic Relief where children make a small donation, details of this would come to you in a letter.  


7. Do you run any after school clubs?
There is an extra curricular programme which runs in terms 2 and 3 for blocks of 5 weeks. Examples of clubs which have been run in the past include; computer, football, drama and outdoor learning.  In conjunction with Active Stirling we take part in sporting festivals for boys/girls in primary 4-7 and a range of community clubs i.e. rugby, tennis and cross country.


8. How do I buy school uniform throughout the year?
We hold a small stock in school throughout the year, or if the item you require is not available in school we will order for you.  You can also order directly on-line with our supplier.  Please visit our Uniform Page.  Details of items in stock are available from the school office.

9. What opportunities are there for outdoor learning?
We ask that children come to school dressed appropriately for outdoor learning.  We are very fortunate to have extensive grounds available to us. We have large tarmaced surfaces, an amphitheatre and recently refurbished playground adjacent to Alexandra Place. Children regularly have the opportunity to access many areas of the curriculum outside.  We are well resourced to take learning outdoors in all weather, particularly with literacy and numeracy.


10. How will I know what events are coming up and which dates they are?
At the beginning of the session each teacher issues a Welcome Letter and this will contain dates particular to your child's class.  There is a section entitled 'Dates for your Diary' in each newsletter.  Forthcoming events are also on the School App.

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